Sou eu " Rubenn Dean Paul Alws " Sou eu sim!

Muita sujeira, muita sujeira, esse povo se vende ao diabo/satanás, por causa da fama... claro: não são todos...mas na sua maioria, faz um inferno em suas vidas, incluindo todos ao seu lado... que podre, esse lado de homossexualismo, por alguns que se dizem héteros, ambos se dizem homem com H maiúsculo, é não são homens, são monstros... são pedófilos com meninas e meninos... tirando assim a pureza de várias crianças, jovens e adolescentes... eu tive o desprazer de visualizar pessoas sujas dentro de emissoras de tv, e dentro da minha casa também!!! Meu Deus!!! É terrível lidar com isso sem poder expor para ninguém, essa sujeira... Meu Deus!!! Isso dá nojo só de ouvir e ver um caso como esse nesse mundo do Hip Hop, existem pessoas que acham isso maravilhoso, bacana, sem saber ou sabendo que denigrem a imagem de muitas pessoas em especial as crianças, jovens e adolescentes... tem que ter prisão perpétua, ainda que já se passou muitos anos desses feitos diabólico!!! Minha Opinião: Meu nome é: Rubenn Dean Paul Alws "Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro" Brasil!!! (Google/Youtube/Instagram) Me sigam de volta por favor pessoal!!! O que podemos falar, expor sobre um assunto desse!!!???

Sou eu " Rubenn Dean Paul Alws " Sou eu sim!

My friend, from afar, it may seem like a lie, but this does happen in the shadows of life... I worked for several fashion agencies, commercials, extras, audiences and shows, for many years, all of these companies or agencies linked to the Globo television network, it was terrible, strange things, because we were young, immature, without understanding and forced to do certain things, many and several actors, actresses, directors and others linked to them... of course, we cannot forget that many abuses start at home by close family members... It is sad, very sad, disgusting and dirty... I know what these kids, now adults, went through!!! Both abusers, pedophiles, should go to prison, yes, as for Diddy, of course there are many other people connected to him, and involved in this dirty business of raping minors, it doesn't matter if they are boys or girls "children, young people and teenagers, these guys are bloodthirsty, a bunch of pedophiles... My God, how disgusting, how dirty, how filthy, how rotten, just thinking about it makes me sad, very sad about this fact, which unfortunately took many years to come to light, it should have come to light before, today these pests, are old, a bunch of bastards!!! There should be life imprisonment for this Diddy and his friends, they are homosexuals, painted as straight men... very dirty!!! My Opinion: Rubenn Dean Paul Alws "Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro" Brazil!!!

Imprensa Rio Brasil!

That's it, everything in the family!!! That's all that's important to ea...

That's it, everything in the family!!! That's all that's important to each one of us... family!!! Every family has its problems,...