Yes, let's be thoughtful in everything these days!!!

Yes, let's be thoughtful in everything these days!!! We need to use what God gave us: which is the brain, remembering that it is not an ornament... it is for thinking... as long as we are thoughtful, no one, no one can fool us in anything, because we become intelligent, and keep our clinical eyes on the great events that are much closer to us!!! My Opinion: "Journalist, Reporter, Radio Host, Announcer" My name is: Rubenn Dean Paul Alws "Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro" Brazil!!! (Google/Instagram/Youtube) Follow me please, I need a lot of views on my YouTube channel!!! Let's be thoughtful in everything these days!!!

Imprensa Rio Brasil!

Na verdade, nada tem haver, uma coisa com a outra... (Educação x Educação)

Na verdade, nada tem haver, uma coisa com a outra... Educação x Educação...O que vocês pensam sobre esse assunto!? Meu nome é: Rubenn Dean ...