The Rise of Chris Brown (Documentary)

Friend from afar, I wish you all the success in the world!!! You can say anything about yourself, even though we went through a difficult past, due to our choices, thank God, there was time to think and change, that, yes, is valid... the rest is rest!!! Moving forward, even if we come to remember things, that today brought us life experiences!!! You are complete in everything!!! Where you put your hand turns to gold, that's a fact!!! I'm your fan!!! You are the man!!! You're Chris Brown, done!!! May God bless you so much, always including your family!!! My Opinion: My name is: Rubenn Dean Paul Alws "Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro" Brazil!!!

The consequences of facts or bad actions, bring us pain and sadness, marks, striking for life!!! Why do people HATE CHRIS BROWN SO MUCH? (Everyone replied) there are things that are equal in the anonymous world, and in the celebrity world... because we are human beings subject to mistakes and failures, the problem is that these failures mark us for the rest of our lives!!! Sorrows that cause aches and pains!!! I can expose this!!! It's sad!!! Those who love take care and have to be patient!!! (Unfortunately, the past cannot be paid for, it cannot be forgotten, there may even be forgiveness... it will always be remembered or remembered) It's sad!!! My Opinion: My name is: Rubenn Dean Paul Alws "Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro" Brazil!!!

My Opinion: Rubenn Dean Paul Alws: "Chris Brown" Some things are shameful!!! Shameful!!! It's sad, there are things that no matter how much there are excuses, they are not erased!!! Sad!!! Those who love care, those who love, give love, no matter how nervous, anxious, I don't know, bad things only get in the way... even if we don't have the strength, we have to be patient, on both sides, whatever for... I see myself in this situation from several sides, including when it comes to family, the family side... like being molested, used against my will, being thrown away in a garbage can and other problems... the worst of all that's seeing some other facts resulting in your marriage, love life... it's sad! Those who love take care (Both on the part of the Woman, as well as on the part of the man) It really is very delicate... both on the part of celebrities and anonymous people!!! Married life is the same, we are human beings (Man and woman) created by God our Lord!!! May God have mercy on each one of us!!! May we be more thoughtful in all this, always looking to the near future (Children and Grandchildren) My name is: Journalist/Reporter (Drt.33689-1rj) Rubenn Dean Paul Alws "Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro" Brazil! It's sad!!! Very sad!!! I liked this article, it reminded us of some things that are difficult to remember, that we actually don't want to remember!!! (

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Na verdade, nada tem haver, uma coisa com a outra... (Educação x Educação)

Na verdade, nada tem haver, uma coisa com a outra... Educação x Educação...O que vocês pensam sobre esse assunto!? Meu nome é: Rubenn Dean ...