We are black, so what, we are black, we are in fashion! This matters a l...

https://youtu.be/g1Ob9a6OoiQ?si=GS-HNdPbgYE4phOq) (https://youtu.be/T-xSsn4pmTk?si=p27EMr-rxYgG2Y4r) (https://youtu.be/FrHIh8inx78?si=Mi20zL-hWXtYt0Cn) "Vídeos" (Clip) ... We are black, so what, we are black, we are in fashion!!! This matters a lot!!! The rest is the rest!!! You can say what you want, black people were useful in creating and making some Brazilian States and helping their masters even though they were exploited and enslaved during the time of slavery... the Europeans/Portuguese killed, destroyed and denigrated black people in return of power and money... black people were bargaining chips!!! It's no use, we have to clap and take off our hats to all black people, even if there is such racism on the part of a conservative and hypocritical society... There was no white ship, there was a slave ship!!! My name is: Rubenn dean paul alws "Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro" Brazil!!!

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Imprensa Rio Brasil!

Na verdade, nada tem haver, uma coisa com a outra... (Educação x Educação)

Na verdade, nada tem haver, uma coisa com a outra... Educação x Educação...O que vocês pensam sobre esse assunto!? Meu nome é: Rubenn Dean ...