Rubenn Dean Paul Alws "Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro" Brazil!!! (Google/You...

We are fine!!! We are fine!!! Thank God!!! Despite the wars, difficulties, problems, we are fighting, in the name of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!!! I just have to thank you, I came out of a trash can, I came out of the trash, I was never anything, and I will die a nothing!!! Because until now, I still have flaws, mistakes and sins, because I am a sinner, even so, God our Lord, has never abandoned me in anything... yes, I just have to thank you!!! My many thanks "Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" because I came out of the trash and it was you who gave me this great opportunity... Thank you Lord Creator of Heaven and Earth!!! (I don't know why: I am writing this, but I see that it is for myself, I need to change spiritually and physically too) My name is: Rubenn Dean Paul Alws "Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro" Brazil!!! (Google/Youtube) Follow me too, please!!!

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Imprensa Rio Brasil!

Tudo que você precisa saber sobre o Rock in Rio 2024 Confira as atrações, como chegar e dicas importantes para os próximos dias na Cidade do Rock. "Jornalista/Repórter: Rubenn Dean Paul Alws "Centro da Cidade/Rio de Janeiro" Brasil!!! (Google/Youtube/Instagram)

Hello! Hi! Good! My name is: Rubenn Dean Paul Alws "Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro" Brazil! Tudo que você precisa saber sobre o Rock i...