Rihanna - If It's Lovin' That You Want (Official Music Video)

A small outburst from 2005, as soon as I saw this clip (https://youtu.be/hD5MRBzY1uM) of one of his best songs and clips... It was the beginning of his success, which actually wasn't easy! I have in mind until today, I even took the opportunity to teach my daughter to dance for being a super fan of Singer Rihanna, I was always a dancer, always worked on television and radio, as well as participation in other media within this area of ​​fashion agency and figurations... I'm not pretty, I don't look good, I'm black, I live in Brazil/Rio de Janeiro. But I had the opportunity to participate in several "Commercials, figurations, "Novels, Films, event audiences and talk shows"
I always mirrored my daughter in Singer Rihanna, including my daughter's name would be Rihanna, because of Singer, but it ended up being Rebecca Victoria Ramos, but I've always been an independent fan of anything and my daughter "Rebecca Victoria Ramos, we're super fan of Singer Rihanna! My Opinion: Rubenn Dean Paul Alws "Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro" Brazil! Follow me on Youtube, please! (Google)

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Na verdade, nada tem haver, uma coisa com a outra... (Educação x Educação)

Na verdade, nada tem haver, uma coisa com a outra... Educação x Educação...O que vocês pensam sobre esse assunto!? Meu nome é: Rubenn Dean ...